LTSIG Fridays: 'How to teach English online'
Join our Learning Technologies Special Interest Group LTSIG every Friday up to and including 29 May 2020 for a webinar on the importance of 'how to teach English online' during the Coronavirus crisis.
Each session lasts one hour from 15.00 - 16.00 UK time and is completely free to everyone, whether you are an IATEFL member or not.
There will also be regular free and open discussions where you can voice what kind of help you need right now and what tools you would like to know about.
The first webinar on 27 March was presented by Joe Dale, an independent languages consultant from the UK, who shared some timely advice on how to get started with remote teaching as a language teacher. Joe collated a comprehensive resource including advice and tutorials to support you during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Future sessions will cover:
- How to teach English Live Online in 1:1 and 1:many classes
- How to use tools like Zoom/Skype/MS Teams
- How to engage your students
- How to provide listening and reading tasks
- How to encourage learners to speak and to role-play online
- How to teach grammar online
- How to deal with error correction using the text chat
- How to encourage your learners to produce language by means of recordings
Find out more here and Join the live event here
Event details
Event type:
SIG WebinarLearning Technologies
free of charge