
Feedback and self-assessment in foreign language teaching

An IATEFL TEASIG webinar presented by Toni Mäkipää

Feedback and self-assessment are instrumental practices of formative assessment. Several studies and meta-analyses (e.g., Hattie, 2009; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006) have emphasised their significance in enhancing learning and self-regulated learning. From the Finnish perspective, feedback and self-assessment are essential, as the core curricula for basic and upper secondary education underscore that all teachers are required to use these practices systematically. In addition, diverse assessment practices are of paramount importance in language teaching. By combining feedback and self-assessment with exams and other types of summative assessment, language teachers can enhance students’ learning in multifaceted ways. 

In this presentation, I will provide guidelines for using feedback and self-assessment efficiently in language teaching. Moreover, I will discuss Finnish research regarding these practices and what it recommends. I will also point out how feedback and self-assessment practices could be developed.



Dr. Toni Mäkipää works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. He currently works in a project focusing on the final assessment of 9th graders. He is particularly interested in research on assessment, assessment literacy, teacher education, self-regulation, and remote teaching. Toni is a teacher of English, Swedish, and French, and has extensive teaching experience at the lower secondary and university levels.

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Event type:

SIG Webinar
Testing, Evaluation & Assessment


21/02/2023 - 17:00 UK time
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Free of Charge
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