'Dynamic Assessment in online learning and teaching: Application and applications'

An IATEFL webinar presented by Caterina Skiniotou

The aim of this webinar is to engage participants in discussion about the applicability of Dynamic Assessment (DA) strategies and techniques in online learning environments. Participants will share experiences and ideas about using virtual tools to empower learners in identifying what they know and reaching their learning potential.

DA is an approach to teaching and learning that heavily relies on engaging a learner in meaningful and purposeful interaction with an expert facilitator (a teacher, a peer) or a More Knowledgeable Other (MKO). DA techniques range from scaffolding through elicitation and requesting repetition to employing linguistic and metalinguistic clues and locating errors. The dialogic nature of DA techniques requires that adjustments be made in applying them in virtual synchronous and asynchronous learning situations.

In this webinar I will start with a brief definition of what DA is and continue with an outline of the classroom techniques that research and practice have shown to be effective in dynamically assessing learners on-site. Subsequently, I will show how I have employed free tools and applications available for online and mobile learning to modify these techniques and support learners.

The webinar will close with inviting participants to critique, comment, question what has been presented and make suggestions and recommendations based on their own experience as online teaching practitioners.

Presenter: Caterina Skiniotou

Since 1981, I have served the field of Education as a teacher, teacher educator, curriculum designer and developer, materials developer, teacher education program director and Foundation program director.

My interests include technology-assisted learning and teaching, innovation in instructional design, content-based language instruction, English-Medium instruction (EMI) and lifelong learning.




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2nd July, 2022 3:00 PM
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