
LASIG: 'Why, how and what of advising in language learning'

An LASIG webinar presented by Satoko Kato

The webinar will start by a presentation by Satoko Kato on advising in language learning as a form of learner support. The following topics will be covered:

- Why is advising in language learning playing a vital role in language learning?

-What is advising in language learning? How different/similar is it from teaching?

-How does it work? How can we do advising?

-How do we educate others and ourselves as advisors?

Then, in a panel discussion, Gamze Güven Yalçın and Stephanie Lea Howard, Learning Advisory Program coordinators of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University will present the advisory programme at their university and share their experience in their journey from teachers to advisors.

The webinar will start by a presentation by Satoko Kato on advising in language learning as a form of learner support. The following topics will be covered:

- Why is advising in language learning playing a vital role in language learning?

-What is advising in language learning? How different/similar is it from teaching?

-How does it work? How can we do advising?

-How do we educate others and ourselves as advisors?

Then, in a panel discussion, Gamze Güven Yalçın and Stephanie Lea Howard, Learning Advisory Program coordinators of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University will present the advisory programme at their university and share their experience in their journey from teachers to advisors.

Satoko Kato is a Senior Education Coordinator/Lecturer, at Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education (RILAE), Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) in Japan. She is also a lecturer at the Graduate School of Language Sciences, KUIS, teaching ‘learner autonomy’ and ‘teacher autonomy’ in the MA TESOL program. She holds a PhD degree in Education from Hiroshima University, Japan, and a Master’s degree in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. She has conducted over 3,800 advising sessions as a learning advisor in the past 12 years working on promoting learner autonomy. She is also developing and implementing advisor education programs for teachers/advisors, domestically and internationally. She co-authored “Reflective Dialogue: Advising in language learning” with Jo Mynard (published by Routledge NY, 2016).

Gamze Guven-Yalcin is the Co-Coordinator of the Learning Advising Program (LAP), an Advisor Educator and an EFL instructor at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Foreign Languages. She holds a BA, Live Online Trainer Certificate and Learning Advising Certificates.  Her interests include advising in language learning, advisor education, developing advising tools, gamification in language learning.  [email protected]

Stephanie Lea Howard is the Co-Coordinator of the Learning Advising Program (LAP), an Advisor Educator and an EFL instructor at the School of Foreign Languages at AYBU.  She holds a BFA, TEFL 1-2, and Learning Advising Certificates.  Her interests include Mindsets, perfectionism, Advising in Language Learning, advisor education, peer advisor education, and developing advising tools.   [email protected]

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Event details

Event type:

SIG Webinar
Learner Autonomy


11/03/2020 - 07:00 UK time
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free of charge